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3 Twin Flame Signs From the Universe
Pay attention to these synchronicities because they are guiding you.

One of the hallmarks of a twin flame journey is a sudden awareness that there is more to reality than meets the eye. The universe will send you signs and synchronicities to show you that you’re supported on this journey.
You aren’t alone. You have your spirit guide team to help you along your twin flame journey.
The following are three important signs you may get on this awakening path. When you meet your twin flame, your spiritual world explodes. It’s meant to help you see life in a new way and to show you that you can trust the universe. Things are happening just as they’re meant to even if it doesn’t seem that way at all on the human level.
I’m not saying the following signs are essential to a twin flame journey, but if you’re getting zero signs, I would question whether it’s real. Twin flames spark a spiritual awakening of monumental proportions. If you’re focused on the relationship with the person instead of your relationship with the universe, then you’re not learning anything important for the soul.