A Solar Flare Is About to Shift the Collective Consciousness

Get ready for something unprecedented to happen.

Emily Jennings


A solar flare is about to shift the collective consciousness and a huge shift in energy will happen.
Image created using Canva

Humanity is always evolving. We are in a reciprocal relationship with the living planet that we inhabit, Earth. Our small pieces of consciousness make up one big mind and that mind looks to the Sun as the center of existence. It is the point of revolution — the great energy ball that other, small energy balls orbit. It’s what gives us the creation of life here in this small universe we call the solar system. When it hiccups, we feel it.

Well, the Sun has vomited. A day or two ago a huge solar flare, about ten times bigger than anything we’ve experienced in our lifetimes, has been thrown off its dynamic surface into space. As this electromagnetic energy travels through space at the speed of a million miles an hour toward our little blue ball of wonder, we here on Earth naturally stay attached to our exes, alcoholism, and anger about what our neighbors are doing. We have no clue what’s about to hit us, do we?

The Sun is about a hundred million miles away from Earth, so at the rate that this solar energy is traveling, it'll arrive here on Monday, February 26th, 2024. Maybe it will have an immediate effect and maybe it won’t. Maybe it won’t feel like anything to most people. But, you know, for those of us who are…



Emily Jennings

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness | www.wellnessoneness.com