About Me

The world is reaching a crisis state because many of us have forgotten who we really are and how to be whole. Let's get back to balance and deep connection. There is nothing that thrills me more than to see others awaken to their inner wisdom and reach a higher level of awareness. I am here to elevate consciousness through writing, teaching, and intuitive arts.

I'm a spiritual writer with a great interest in souls, love, and human enlightenment. Currently in Maryland, USA, I am also a spiritual coach, a psychic, and a meditation instructor. Without ever intending it, I have also become an expert on twin flames and I've coached countless clients on their twin flame journey.

I have a master's degree in philosophy if that kind of thing interests you.

If you like my content and want to support me, you can always buy me a coffee.

You may also enjoy reading my books:


- Instagram: @wellness_oneness

- Twin Flame Support Group: Join the Group | Instagram

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you. Namaste.

Medium member since July 2024
Emily Jennings

Emily Jennings

Book Author

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness | www.wellnessoneness.com