How I Navigate the Dark Night of the Soul

It’s leading you to a better place but you have to let go.

Emily Jennings


navigating the dark night of the soul
Image created using Canva

As I steer myself through a dark cloud of existential dread, I brace myself for the turbulence I cannot avoid any longer. No surface-level, mundane activity seems to bring me joy anymore. It’s exciting because I am releasing attachments, but it’s scary because I have defined my life through these attachments for years. Who am I and what do I do now? This experience is unprecedented. There is no roadmap for transcendence. Ascension is a solitary journey.

We must stay humble as we journey through a vast expanse that we aren’t meant to understand. And when the path gets exceptionally hard to walk, the most self-aware of us sometimes fall into a void: a dark night of the soul begins. That’s where I’m at now.

Will you enter into the void with me for a moment so I can show you how I navigate the dark night of the soul? I have been here before. I have figured out why it happens and what it’s trying to teach me. I know a few things that have helped me as I go into the darkness again and again — a place I know that none of us are meant to stay.

Learning to Let Go

Life is a school, and the universe constantly sends us lessons. When they get very intense, they sometimes…



Emily Jennings

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |