How to Make Decisions by Being Fully Present

Cut through distractions and anxiety to what really matters.

Emily Jennings
4 min readJun 15, 2022


Image credit: Canva

We’re in a constant state of anxiety, and society promotes this. There is no one in the mainstream channels of this existence telling us not to think about as many things as we possibly can until we burn out and drop dead from stress.

I recently discovered that when I think about my daily choices, I have the opportunity to base them in the present moment and all that I can access here and now. Alternatively, I could try to make decisions based on my fears and anxieties about the future or past, which are not in this present moment.

Why do this to ourselves?

When we make decisions with our minds fully present, we open up the ability to think clearly, reduce our anxieties, and focus on what’s important. Our lives can literally change.

Here are some of the ways we can become more present.


As a baseline, we should always start with gratitude. Finding things to be grateful for will always go hand-in-hand with being fully present. That’s because gratitude shifts our perspective to what we already have instead of a lack mindset.



Emily Jennings

The most common question I get asked by readers is, "Can you confirm I'm not crazy?" | IG: @wellness_oneness |