I Wish People Would Stop Focusing on the Breath

When we water down spiritual practices, they lose their power.

Emily Jennings


spiritual awakenings and inner practices
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When you awaken and begin the search for answers about your existence, it can be confusing. There are several ideologies you might adopt, many of which are modified and watered-down versions of powerful ancient teachings. And there are plenty of spiritual teachers out there ready to take your money and teach you the way to ascension. Too often, these teachings keep you focused on the physical form, which is what enslaves our minds in the first place.

Focusing on the breath is an example of this kind of practice. I believe that it is leading many people down the wrong kind of path because it keeps us from looking deeply within.

New-age spiritual teachings are almost always quick-fixes that offer a temporary benefit but don’t lead to lasting change. People don’t want to look within. It’s scary to confront reality. But the ego must be set aside for there to be a connection with Source and the physical form must be transcended for there to be spiritual freedom. Most modern spiritual teachers offer nothing more than bandaids and practices that scratch the surface of your spiritual potential.

Embodiment and drawing awareness to the breath have lost their meaning. Why do we teach people to…



Emily Jennings
Emily Jennings

Written by Emily Jennings

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness | www.wellnessoneness.com

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