I’m Not Afraid of the Darkness

Once you step into it, you can never fully step out.

Emily Jennings


darkness in the soul
Image credit: Canva

The darkness becomes beautiful when you stop fearing it and you let it be. It has to be there. You can’t run away from it or create a world where the sun shines twenty-four hours a day. Your darkness must come to the surface part of the time.

But many people will tell you that they’re happy, tell you to keep a positive mind, and deny that darkness is a good thing. They lie and say that they’re happy — really happy. They really are convinced that it’s healthy to be “in the light” all of the time. In their minds, any darkness needs to be purged.

But out of darkness comes such beauty. Why do people refuse to see this? They are so afraid of their own darkness that they won’t let themselves see the beauty within. They actually stave off depression by struggling to keep things together in their lives and keep busy. They make themselves into zombies in order to avoid darkness.

It’s ironic, but they pretend to be happy in order to keep from being unhappy.

But this isn’t about other people. I have no idea what’s really going through the minds of other people. I very much hope that everyone has an existential dilemma or crisis every now and then, but who really knows? Do “normal” people ever stop to wonder why?



Emily Jennings

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness | www.wellnessoneness.com