Intuition and Manifestation Go Hand in Hand

One is receptive and the other is productive.

Emily Jennings


creating with manifestation and receiving with intuition
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To manifest, we have to embody the energy we want to attract and send it out beyond the known limits of the self. We are telling the universe and our subconscious (which may be the same thing) what we want to see in the world. On the other hand, to use intuition we have to do the opposite. We have to be open to receiving messages from the universe. We are allowing it to tell us what it wants. Both are important aspects of being human.

They say that when you pray, you’re speaking to God. When you meditate, God is speaking to you. This is what I have found to be true. To only practice one side of it is to miss the whole dynamic of reality.

Using Your Intuition to Receive

Intuition requires a lot of inner silence. One must “empty out” in order to make space to receive. The thoughts have to be quieted and your constant inner voice must keep its muttering to a minimum. Think of yourself as a receptacle for energy from the universe, which will arrange itself as messages. Sometimes it is a vision and sometimes it’s a voice.

The universe is always trying to guide you through your intuition, but you have to slow down and step aside from your own mind to receive those incoming…



Emily Jennings

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |