Love the Universe, Love Yourself

Understand that you’re part of everything in existence.

Emily Jennings


loving yourself and the universe
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I’ve been dabbling in the greater existence of us. I’ve been following a trail of explorations in the purpose of life. Why are we all here and what does any of this mean? I finally came to some of the answers I have always longed for — and as I suspected, they involve love. The love that we all long for was always right in front of our noses.

Here’s the thing. You’re part of a great mind. The universe is a oneness of consciousness. It is a loving entity. Since you’re a part of it, like a cell in your body is part of you, it loves you. It is aware of you and it wants the best for you. It wants you to align with what it’s trying to do — evolve and exist in happiness.

If you love it, then you love yourself, and vice versa. You are within this greater entity. You’re part of a greater consciousness. Your self-awareness is one point inside a greater awareness. So, directing love toward yourself is helping the greater entity love itself. When it is feeling good and loving itself, then you feel more love and abundance in your life. “As above, so below.”

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Emily Jennings

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |