Manifesting Is Not Forcing, It’s Aligning

You can’t beat a river into submission.

Emily Jennings


aligning with the universe
Image created using Canva

Sometimes, when life isn’t going the way we’d hoped, we try to make it work out. Instead of wondering whether that situation we strive for is actually meant for us, we choose to go with the feeling of entitlement. We think that if we want it, then it should be ours, and that we can keep trying different ways to make it so.

In our modern Westernized world, we’ve been taught that everyone is equally deserving and has equal potential. Also that if you work hard enough, anything you dream can be yours. This is only partly true. In fact, the universe has a plan in mind for you. It’s your freewill most of the time to choose to stay on the path set out for you, but if you stray, life just gets harder and harder. If you chase things that aren’t meant for you, it will be a struggle. Nobody wants to struggle, right?

Work Within the Framework

Sometimes manifesting means recognizing the framework of your reality. Perhaps someone else’s path includes fame and fortune, but yours is all about helping people within a smaller circle. Maybe your friend is destined to have material wealth but you are destined to have spiritual and emotional wealth — in terms of freedom but without the millions of dollars. These are just examples. I…



Emily Jennings

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |