Member-only story
My Secret Mission as a Twin Flame Coach
Using this opportunity to raise consciousness.

I love hearing my clients' twin flame stories. Every one of their stories is fascinating and unique, and they inspire me with their tales of true love. I believe that the twin flame experience has a great purpose for us all.
Something you must know is that although I enjoy helping clients and offering my expertise in this niche, I never asked for this. I didn’t wake up one day and plan to become a twin flame coach. I never wanted my career to be defined by twin flames. The universe seemed to deliver it to me. I am primarily here to raise the collective consciousness and help humanity evolve toward happiness and liberty.
In my spiritual awakening a few years ago, before meeting my twin flame, I planned to be a consciousness and meditation coach/writer. This hasn’t changed. My desire in all of my work, including with twin flames, is to use my influence to raise my people’s self-awareness and spiritual consciousness to higher levels. My goal is to help everyone find a more meaningful life, and twin flames are just one portal to this. I believe that twin flames have a greater purpose for all of humanity.