Manifestation | Spirituality

No, You Didn’t Manifest Your House

The universe doesn’t care which material things you own — unless…

Emily Jennings
3 min readFeb 6, 2022


manifesting a house is a practice of wanting things outside you
Image credit: Canva

Over the past year of following spiritual personalities on social media, I have seen countless posts (mainly by women) claiming that they’ve used positive and focused thinking to manifest all the dreams of their lives. Then, they have no shame or hesitation in proclaiming that their life dreams were all materialistic. They wanted money, a house, a career, or a car. Sometimes, it’s a man. They made a list of things they wanted and told themselves in the mirror every morning about it. They made vision boards. They told themselves they couldn’t be happy unless they had those things.

They want to tell the world on social media because either 1.) they want to show you that they did it, and the law of attraction is real, or 2.) they are trying to sell a masterclass to you. Usually the latter.

I was like these people last year. I thought I could pray and focus and manifest love in my life and my career. When I wasn’t manifesting fast enough, spiritual advisors would tell me “well you’re doing it wrong, you have to get very specific about what you want.” There’s always an answer for why you’re not succeeding in this manifestation business. There’s always some…



Emily Jennings

Wellness & Oneness, Consciousness, Spiritual Enlightenment, Twin Flames, and a Little Bit of Silliness | IG: @wellness_oneness |