Plug Into the Universe Once a Day

This is how I meditate.

Emily Jennings


recharge with the universe
Image credit: Canva

I think it’s important to recharge ourselves just like we recharge our phone batteries. It’s tempting to think that sleep and other restful activities like watching TV are enough to recharge. But I think that to really recharge, we have to plug into the universe.

What does that mean? Well, it means you have to meditate.

After meditating for years and becoming a certified meditation instructor, I have learned something. Meditation can mean many, many things. For some, it means relaxation. For some, it means moving the mind away from busy thoughts. And for others like myself, it means connecting with the soul — and the realm that exists beyond the five senses.

I don’t often meditate in a way that my thoughts are “stopped”. I usually end up entering a place of total bliss where those thoughts are still observable, but they just don’t affect me in the same way that they would in my day-to-day waking life. I’m plugged into the universe.

Here are some of the ways things go down during my meditations.

I Tell Myself ‘I Am Not Me’

In meditation, the biggest thing is letting go of the ego. The ego allows us to think of ourselves as individuals. It’s where we get the perspective of being…



Emily Jennings
Emily Jennings

Written by Emily Jennings

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |