The Algorithm of the Universe Is Always Listening

Your thoughts and words are creating your reality.

Emily Jennings


manifesting and mental energy
Image created using Canva

I’ve never really been too worried that tech companies are listening to my conversations through my phone microphone. I don’t really care if I open my Instagram feed and see that the top post is about something I was just talking about. They listen to my words and sell my data to marketing companies, and that’s okay. It’s nothing new. It mirrors the way energy operates. This is just how the universe works. You attract whatever you’re putting your attention into.

It’s not just about your spoken words. Your thoughts and emotions are public knowledge. It’s just that most of us don’t have the skills and abilities to tune in and hear them. But some of us have a heightened intuition and we can pick up on the energies around us. Make no mistake; your thoughts are powerful. Your words are vibrations that construct your reality — and so are your very thoughts.

So, the algorithm in the air is listening and picking up on these vibrations. It knows what you desire and what kind of mental hygiene you are employing. It won’t let you have a vacation day from tracking your energy flow.

The universe keeps track of your choices and whether you’ve intentionally hurt someone (or yourself) in your wake. It knows if you…



Emily Jennings

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |