The Darkness Will Always Be There

You have to learn the way back to the light.

Emily Jennings
4 min readApr 17, 2024


Image credit: Canva

No one can teach you how to come out of depression. You must learn the way out of darkness by yourself. It can feel like a labyrinth and you’re lost in pitch black, unable to even see the path you walk. Sometimes it feels suffocating. Trust me, I know — I go there quite a lot. The darkness will always be within you and there is no way to eliminate it. But you can attempt to understand it. The most troubled of us are best equipped to create art because of our trials.

Darkness is there for a reason. It pulls you into the void as it’s meant to. Nobody is exempt from its effects.

The Polarities Are Necessary

Darkness is necessary. It is a challenge to the mind — a resistance we need in order to learn about the light. We understand the aspects of reality through the analysis of polarities. They exist to format balance in the universe.

When we know our darkest inner realms, we connect with love in a more meaningful way. To know true fear or sadness is to understand true love.

The darkness in you is the same as the darkness found elsewhere in the universe. It is there to provide an opposition to joy and bliss. It gives perspective. And for the very clever of us, it offers a…



Emily Jennings

The most common question I get asked by readers is, "Can you confirm I'm not crazy?" | IG: @wellness_oneness |