Why Spiritual Awakenings Are Dark

Waking up only to have it all fall apart

Emily Jennings


The darkness and loneliness of a spiritual awakening
Image credit: Canva

Awakening is romanticized. It’s messy. It can get dark. Imagine waking up for the first time in your life, and all you find is darkness. The morning comes later. You have to stumble around in blindness for a while. The early stages of a spiritual awakening are difficult. Sometimes, you may even find yourself wishing you could go back to ignorance and exist the way the “sleeping” people are still living their lives.

We’re all on a path toward enlightenment, even if it takes many lifetimes. A big part of that path is releasing the attachment to the ego, which is a creation helping you live life in the role you’re playing here on Earth. The ego requires identity, and that identity is often defined by labels, possessions, social status, and the physical form of the body. But all of these things are temporary — because of this, I call them illusions. They’re not the goal.

This life is a dream. This is a dream created by all of the minds and souls around us. Welcome to the collective consciousness!

This is the awakening. When you realize that this place is made of consciousness and you are merely playing a role here, following the path of a developing character, you are awake to reality. You are a soul. Essentially, you are far more than your human…



Emily Jennings

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness | www.wellnessoneness.com