Your Mind Is Holding You Prisoner

Set yourself free — it’s on you.

Emily Jennings


your mental prison
Image credit: Canva

You have the ability at any moment to be a totally liberated human being. What does this mean? You are able to find happiness. Whatever circumstances surround you, you can climb your way out through the power of your own mind. If you’re living in what seems like a prison, you can adopt a new mindset and it will feel like absolute freedom. You could do this right now if you wanted to.

But generally, we choose not to. And that blows my mind.

People have the opportunity anytime to change their perspective on situations, but they hang on to them instead. They build their own walls. They construct their own mental prisons even when the world around them could seem beautiful — because it is.

Although it blows my mind, I know why they do it. Somehow, the pain is comforting. Our trauma feels like it’s part of us and it’s tempting to define ourselves by it. We know it weighs us down but we also kind of like it. Isn’t that weird?

We like to tell other people how hard our lives have been. Some of us even enjoy making it some kind of competition, as if suffering is equated to a badge of honor.

We like to feel sorry for ourselves and surrender to the idea that life sucks. This feels like creating insurance against future calamities.

We like to say that the pain makes us who we are. Some of us are even proud of our negative personality traits and our scars that we identify as results of the pain.

We even like to live in denial of all of this and tell people that what we’re doing is totally normal — and that anyone living in mental freedom just doesn’t understand life.

But guess what? Your pain doesn’t define you. Your suffering isn’t you.

Your job isn’t you.

Your responsibilities in your family aren’t you.

Your citizenship, culture, and ethnicity aren’t you.

I’ll go further. You aren’t you.

To find bliss, you have to let go of who you are. There’s a layer of you that is hanging on tightly to all this shit going on around you and it especially loves the…



Emily Jennings

Wellness & Oneness, Consciousness, Spiritual Enlightenment, Twin Flames, and a Little Bit of Silliness | IG: @wellness_oneness |