Your Problem Is That You’re Not Grateful

This is how I get into a gratitude mindset.

Emily Jennings
4 min readMar 14, 2023


gratitude mindset
Image credit: Canva

I was talking to someone recently who had basically grown up in refugee camps, always running from war. I know someone else who grew up in a warzone. Hearing these stories gave me some clarity all of a sudden: I am very blessed as a white American living in relative peace and privilege. I grew up with very little to worry about. While others were wondering where their next meal would come from and how they’d find shelter, I was worried about what Santa would bring me for Christmas.

And yet, it’s so easy to focus on all the bad things happening in my life and feel sorry for myself.

The thing is, I’ve been to several countries worldwide and seen how people live in slums and poverty. I lived in Ukraine as a teenager and I am in touch with my friends and host family there even now, and I know what they’ve been facing in their war. I am no stranger to how the rest of the world really lives. And yet, how quickly I get stuck in the negative aspects of my life in this little bubble where I live!

I could easily focus on all the things I don’t have and get lost in regret and grief. I could indulge in all of it, letting myself slip into negativity. It’s not hard to become bitter.



Emily Jennings

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